Author : Ravikiran Ongole
Praveen BN
Edition : 2nd Edition
Download PDF Textbook of Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis and Oral Radiology
The first version of the e-book was published two years ago. Seeing that then we’ve got obtained very encouraging remarks from college students and school alike. It was also heartening to observe that this e book changed into blanketed by means of various fitness universities in their advocated list of textbooks for undergraduate. And also postgraduate college students.
We also received pointers for which include a phase on dental radiology with a unique request. To include chapters on implant imaging and cone beam computed tomography. Taking these views into consideration, we protected a segment on radiology that covers numerous subjects from radiation physics to specialized imaging techniques. The oral medication phase has also been updated with the contemporary standards in the diagnosis and clinical control of diverse orofacial issues.
We want this complete Textbook of Oral remedy, Oral diagnosis and Oral Radiology gains wider reputation among the student community and the faculty. And continues to cater to the desires of college students pursuing the specialty of Oral medicinal drug and Radiology.