Author : Avinoam Yaffe
Robert S. Klugman
Edition : 1st Edition
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The idea for inscribing this book came whereas sitting in one in every of the seminars of our graduate program in prosthodontia. one in every of our students was presenting a report of his patient, discussing the designation, and also the potential treatment plans. Finally, he showed his treatment and explained its principle.
As I Saturday there, the thought came to Pine Tree State, what a waste of data this is; the scholar is presenting a superbly documented treatment for a really troublesome patient with excellent radiographs and slides. What a shame that solely the twelve around folks within the space square measure viewing it.
The aim of the book is to share our treatment modalities and principle of treatment with as several dentists as potential. Our seminars offer a minimum of one hour of case presentation time with a continuation potential the subsequent week. throughout the presentation, the instructors and alternative students question the designation and treatment set up, volunteering their opinions and various treatment ways. it is a offer and take scenario. it’s our conviction, that this can be one in every of the simplest learning processes for a postgraduate.