Author : Sadao Sato
Edition : 1st Edition
Download PDF Manual for Clinical Application of MEAW Technique
It has been quite 20 years since the Multiloop Edgewise Arch-Wire (MEAW) was introduced in Japan. it had been primarily wont to treat open bite conditions but its usage has gone far beyond what it had been originally designed for. it’s now getting used for the treatment of just about all kinds of malocclusions. In fact, most of the dentists and orthodontists in Japan use MEAW to treat their orthodontic cases.
However, textbooks about the utilization of MEAW for treatment haven’t been available and various practitioners are requesting for it. Indeed there’s an excellent demand for such a book and that i had relayed this request to Dr. Young II. Kim, the author and proponent of MEAW, but unfortunately, thanks to his hectic schedule he wasn’t ready to complete it. Thus; the publication of a book on MEAW didn’t materialize.
Thus, for this reason, this textbook on the utilization of MEAW in treatment was published with the assistance of Daiichi Shika Publications. This book doesn’t contain the MEAW Technique and therefore the philosophy of Dr. Y.H. Kim but it contains the essential concept and technique of using MEAW within the treatment of malocclusion.