Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Dental Phobia and Anxiety

Author : Lars-Göran Öst
Erik Skaret

Edition : 1st Edition

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This ebook is a result of a multi-disciplinary research cooperation between dentists and psychologists. It is meant to help college students and professionals in dentistry to apprehend the complexity of the tension phenomenon, and in psychology to apprehend the specific scenario for the dental phobia patient, and bridge the distance between dentistry and psychology. The book became first planned to be written for Scandinavia, and most of the authors are consequently from those countries. This plan became then modified and some extra authors outdoor Scandinavia were included. 

However, we recognize many researchers in behavioural technological know-how in dentistry and in psychology round the arena that would had been very qualified for being included on the author list of the existing e book. Being a practising dentist is in many ways a tough and annoying process. earlier than they leave the surgery after a protracted day with patients they often have a brief look at the list of scheduled appointments for the following day. 

The treatment doesn’t have the nice it ought to have, and i’m afraid this may have a negative impact on my recognition. I want to be a terrific dentist’. Being capable of help people with dental tension or dental phobia to manage ordinary dental remedy presents the job as a dentist a brand new size.


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