
X-rays are a type of electromagnetic radiation, just like visible light. They were first discovered in 1895 by German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen. X-rays have a wide range of uses, from checking for broken bones to detecting cancers.

When X-rays pass through the body, they interact with the atoms that make up our cells. This interaction causes the atoms to emit a small amount of energy, which is detected by a special X-ray machine. The pattern of energy that is emitted from the cells can give doctors important information about a person’s health.

For example, doctors can use X-rays to take pictures of the inside of the body. These pictures can show if there are any broken bones, tumors, or other problems.

Types of X-Rays:

There are two main types of X-rays:

1. Diagnostic X-Rays:

These are the X-rays that doctors use to take pictures of the inside of your body. They are also called medical X-rays.

2. Therapeutic X-Rays:

These are X-rays that are used to treat cancer and other diseases. They work by damaging the DNA of cells, which prevents them from growing and dividing.

What are the risks of X-Rays?

X-rays are a type of ionizing radiation, which means they can damage the DNA of cells. This damage can lead to cancer. That’s why it’s important to only have X-rays when they are needed and to use the lowest dose possible.

How can I protect myself from X-Rays?

There are a few things you can do to protect yourself from X-rays:

  • Only have X-rays when they are truly needed. Ask your doctor if there is another way to diagnose or treat your condition.
  • If you must have an X-ray, make sure the facility is using the lowest dose possible.
  • Ask your doctor or the X-ray technologist to use a lead shield to protect parts of your body that are not being X-rayed.
  • Pregnant women and young children are especially sensitive to the effects of X-rays. If you are pregnant or have young children, make sure your doctor is aware of this before you have an X-ray.

Uses of X-Rays:

There are many different uses for X-rays. Some of the most common uses are:

  • Diagnosing broken bones: X-rays can be used to take pictures of bones. This can help doctors diagnose fractures (breaks) and other problems.
  • Detecting cancers: X-rays can be used to take pictures of the inside of the body. This can help doctors find tumors or other problems.
  • Checking teeth: Dentists often use X-rays to check for cavities or other problems with teeth.
  • Screening luggage: X-rays are often used to screen luggage at airports and other security checkpoints. This helps to find weapons or other items that are not allowed.
  • Treating cancer: X-rays can be used to kill cancer cells. This is called radiation therapy.

X-rays are a very useful tool for doctors and dentists, but they do have some risks. X-rays can damage cells, which can lead to cancer. That’s why it’s important to only have X-rays when they are needed and to use the lowest dose possible.


X-rays are a type of ionizing radiation that can damage cells and lead to cancer. That’s why it’s important to only have X-rays when they are needed and to use the lowest dose possible. There are many different uses for X-rays, including diagnosing broken bones, detecting cancers, checking teeth, and screening luggage.



1. Are X-Rays an example of Ionising Radiation?

Ionising radiation is a type of radiation that has enough energy to remove electrons from atoms, which can damage cells. X-rays are a type of ionising radiation. When used in small doses, such as for medical imaging, they can be helpful. But too much exposure to ionising radiation can cause health problems, including cancer.

2. Can X-Rays cause Cancer?

Exposure to high doses of ionising radiation, such as from a nuclear accident or radiation therapy, can increase the risk for cancer. But exposure to low doses of ionising radiation, such as from medical imaging, has been linked with a small increased risk for cancer. The risk from a single X-ray is usually very low. But having many X-rays over time may increase the risk for cancer, especially in children. That’s why it’s important to only have X-rays when they are needed.

3. Why are X-Rays dangerous for pregnant women?

X-rays can be dangerous for pregnant women because they can expose the developing baby to ionising radiation. This can increase the risk for birth defects and cancer. If you are pregnant and need an X-ray, your doctor will weigh the risks and benefits to decide if it is safe for you to have one.

4. How can I protect myself from X-Rays?

There are steps you can take to protect yourself from ionising radiation, such as:

  • Ask your doctor if an X-ray is really needed. Sometimes a different test, such as an ultrasound or MRI, can be used instead.
  • If you need an X-ray, make sure the X-ray technician uses a lead apron to protect your body from radiation.
  • If you are pregnant, tell your doctor or X-ray technician if you think you might be pregnant. They can take steps to minimize the amount of radiation you are exposed to.
  • Limit your exposure to other sources of ionising radiation, such as CT scans and nuclear power plants.
  • Keep track of your exposure to ionising radiation. You can ask your doctor or X-ray technician for a record of your X-rays.

5. Why are X-Rays expensive?

The cost of an X-ray depends on many factors, such as the type of X-ray, where it’s done, and how much radiation is used. A chest X-ray, for example, typically costs less than $100. But a CT scan can cost several thousand dollars.

6. Will X-Ray show Gum Infection?

An X-ray can sometimes show signs of a gum infection, but it’s not the best test for this purpose. A better test is an MRI or CT scan, which can show the inflammation and damage to the bones caused by gum disease.

7. Can I have an X-Ray if I am breastfeeding?

It depends. X-rays can be dangerous for breastfeeding women because they can expose the baby to ionising radiation. This can increase the risk for health problems, such as cancer. If you are breastfeeding and need an X-ray, your doctor will weigh the risks and benefits to decide if it is safe for you to have one.

8. What are the side effects of X-Rays?

The main side effect of X-rays is radiation exposure, which can increase the risk for health problems, such as cancer. So it’s important to only have X-rays when they are needed. Other side effects, such as skin irritation from the X-ray beam, are usually temporary and not serious.