
Mercury is a naturally occurring element that is found in air, water and soil. It is also found in small amounts in some products we use every day. While mercury occurs naturally in the environment, dental amalgam (silver fillings) is the main source of exposure to mercury for most people. Dental amalgam has been used for over 150 years to fill cavities in teeth. It is made of a mixture of silver, tin, copper and mercury.

Dental amalgam is safe and effective, and it is still the best material available for restoring teeth. Although dental amalgam is safe, some people are concerned about the mercury it contains. Mercury is a metal that can be harmful to your health if you are exposed to too much of it. The amount of mercury in dental amalgam is very small, and it is not released into your body in harmful amounts.

In fact, you are exposed to more mercury from the air you breathe than from dental amalgam fillings. There is no evidence that dental amalgam causes health problems in people who have them. However, if you are concerned about the mercury in dental amalgam, there are other materials that can be used to fill cavities. These include composite resins and ceramic materials.

What are the risks of Mercury exposure?

  • Exposure to high levels of mercury can harm your brain, kidneys and lungs. Mercury exposure is also harmful to developing fetuses. The amount of mercury in dental amalgam is very small, and it is not released into your body in harmful amounts.
  • In fact, you are exposed to more mercury from the air you breathe than from dental amalgam fillings.
  • There is no evidence that dental amalgam causes health problems in people who have them. However, if you are concerned about the mercury in dental amalgam, there are other materials that can be used to fill cavities.
  • These include composite resins and ceramic materials. If you have concerns about dental amalgam, talk to your dentist. He or she can discuss the benefits and risks of dental amalgam and other materials used to fill cavities.

Effects of Mercury exposure:

Exposure to mercury can cause serious health problems. Mercury is a neurotoxin, which means it can damage the brain and nervous system. Exposure to high levels of mercury can lead to kidney damage, respiratory failure, and death.

Mercury exposure can also cause problems during pregnancy, including miscarriages and birth defects. Mercury can also affect the immune system and cause problems with vision and hearing.

If you think you have been exposed to mercury, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. Mercury poisoning can be treated, but it is important to catch it early. There is no safe level of mercury exposure, so it is important to avoid it altogether if possible.

Reducing your risk of exposure to Mercury:

There are many things you can do to reduce your risk of exposure to mercury. If you work in an occupation that puts you at risk for exposure to mercury, it is important to follow all safety guidelines and regulations.

  • If you use products that contain mercury, such as certain kinds of light bulbs or thermometers, it is important to dispose of them properly. Do not throw them in the trash.
  • Instead, take them to a recycling center that specializes in handling mercury-containing products.
  • You can also reduce your risk of exposure to mercury by eating less fish and shellfish. Fish and shellfish can be contaminated with mercury, so it is important to limit your consumption.
  • When you do eat fish and shellfish, choose varieties that are lower in mercury, such as shrimp, canned light tuna, salmon, pollock, and catfish.


Mercury is a naturally occurring element that is found in rock formations and soils. It is a heavy metal that is liquid at room temperature. Mercury is used in many different industries, including the production of electrical equipment, dental fillings, and certain types of light bulbs.

Exposure to mercury can be harmful to your health. Mercury is a known neurotoxin that can damage the brain and nervous system. Exposure to high levels of mercury can lead to serious health problems, including kidney damage, respiratory failure, and death.