Author : Pekka Vallittu
Edition : 1st Edition
Download PDF Non-metallic biomaterials for tooth repair and replacement
The task of providing a reliable replacement for anatomic loss falls in need of the first biology in both elegance and sturdiness. Although prosthetic replacements are poor substitutes for healthy biology, disease and destruction leave clinicians few alternatives. Teeth and their prosthetic replacement typify this dilemma. The healthy tooth may be a thing to be admired – strong, compliant, chemically resistant, and even beautiful.
Despite the simplest efforts of clinicians and technicians, dental restorations have an extended history characterized by failure, non-vitality, and a scarcity of true satisfaction. within the last 100 years, however, there has been success and wonder. These successes have provided important principles and therefore the foundation from which current researchers and clinicians strive to enhance the science of anatomic replacement.
Perhaps the best shift in restorative treatment ideology is that the concept of minimal invasiveness. When preventative and regenerative therapies exist, they ought to be recommended and encouraged. The protection and regeneration of biological structures should be the goal of each clinician and researcher.